Outside of having great talent on our team a big part of successfully delivering creative work is having a process that maximises the likelihood of a successful result. In our experience, sensible provision of feedback is the key role that our clients play and it...
The latest from the VA Team
VA is a studio split into several significant parts as far as our income, skills and capacity goes so we think we can claim some...
ReadPart of creating a brand identity package is selecting the perfect hero colour or colours that represent the brand and communicate something non-verbal (and sometimes...
ReadAs an agency with a lot of digital experience, we are frequently bombarded with requests to redesign websites. And while we appreciate the enthusiasm for...
ReadIn 2021 ABS data showed that enrolments to independent schools rose by 3.6 per cent in 2021. This is one of the strongest years of...
ReadWhen it comes to our approach to ongoing marketing efforts for our clients we take a decidedly nautical approach. If you visualise your various marketing...
ReadI want you to go to the BOM Site and bask in its unapologetic beauty. I want you to minimise your window if you’re on...
ReadAn exploration into the world of content creation in 2021. As much as I despise the expression "content is king", let's face it: content —...
ReadWhen it comes to marketing, small businesses usually follow either of two paths. There is the option to have an in-house marketing “all-rounder” or businesses...
ReadSo you’ve got your sights set on a fancy new website? Perhaps your existing website is out of date, it’s under-performing or just simply needs...
ReadGoogle Analytics is a tool used daily, here at VA. It’s one of the first things we want to see when we welcome new clients...
ReadDigital marketing isn’t about long-winded word docs, spreadsheets, meetings and printed minutes. Oh no! It’s an adventure into the Wild West, it’s about walking into...
ReadWe hear it all too often. The one where a business invested in social media-based advertising, just because they heard that if you aren’t doing...
ReadEvents have been at the core of our DNA since 2010 when we opened our doors at the "Old Courthouse" in Maroochydore. Part underground bar,...
ReadBefore you read further please understand that the headline above is total clickbait. The article that follows outlines my position (as of Feb 2021) and...
ReadA few weeks ago I published Part 1 of this series and you can find it here. It dealt with how/why sites are slow and...
ReadFirstly lets define a few parameters for this discussion. Speed isn't EVERYTHING. There is always a trade off between beauty and speed. Google PageSpeed Insights...
ReadIt really isn't getting any easier and here is why : For most SMEs Digital marketing has not totally replaced your traditional marketing so now...
Readhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A57XzAuFQjs&t=1s&ab_channel=MICAustralia This video piece was commissioned by our client MIC to document their journey over the last few years. We were honoured to design their...
ReadA few short years ago we all assumed that the future was one in which a business could create a website, pay the hosting bill...
ReadThey certainly wouldn't work for months to get everything "right" before launch. The goal is to try and avoid this scenario : Breaking that upfront...
ReadFrom Wikipedia - In software deployment, an environment or tier is a computer system in which a computer program or software component is deployed and...
ReadThis morning I received an email marketing piece pushing online video creation with the following; "Smart brands are evolving from promoters of stuff to publishers...